Cerebral Spinal Fluid, Human Body, Brain, Earth Electromagnetic & Schumann Resonance, Kundalini Yoga and Holistic health
This reflective paper aims to explore the potential of the human body and brain ability to synchronise with the Earth’s electromagnetic resonance and Schumann resonance (also known as celestial tower). The paper examines the reasons as to, why I started to feel the flow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) in the arachnoid space in the brain and subsequently the hormone secretion from the pituitary gland and how this activity then rejuvenated my whole body and brain.
The paper highlight the information from 8 different traditions (Indian Haṭha Yoga, neo-Advaita Vedānta, the Integral Yoga of Śri Aurobindo, Theravāda Buddhism, Vajrayāna Buddhism, the Christian mysticism of St. Teresa of Ávila, the Zohar in Jewish Mysticism) that refers to a liquid-like, nectar-like, oil-like, or water-like fluid experienced by different people in these traditions. The paper further explores the literature from the ancient Indian texts that demonstrate the evidence of CSF (known as Amrita or Nectar) awareness, its characteristics and the different way of accessing, 1400 years before it was discovered and named CSF in Europe during the 16th CE.
Several Indian spiritual texts dating back from 2nd, 3rd, 7th and 14th CE also demonstrate the awareness of interconnectedness of human body, planet earth and space. In addition, this paper analyses the Kundalini science that is described in the 7th CE text with regards to achieving holistic health by synchronising the human body with nature i.e. earth and space, and the paper attempts to provide a scientific explanation for it.
This paper is aimed at anyone who is interested in having good health and life but will be of special interest to academic colleagues who are teaching subjects related to neuroscience, nursing or any other disciplines that are related to health science or deal with health related topics in universities and colleges, university hospitals or elsewhere.
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